Make money writing on medium

make money writing on medium

Research your keyword well to write SEO friendly articles and always target long tail keywords. We use cookies your browsing data to provide content that’s helpful to you. Craft your universe.


As someone who has been writing on the social publishing platform Medium for over five years — ever since it started — I, along with many, many other writers, can say that Medium is the best thing that ever happened to me. I know that might sound inflated, but when you see the numbers, you can understand what I mean:. She quit her job to go all in on writing. You know what? Medium has changed my life. As a singlemomI just earned more than I ever dreamed possible by writing on the platform.

If I can do it, you can too.

make money writing on medium
Of course everyone does, and if it is by writing for Medium blogging platform. Especially If you are already writing articles for blog, you can easily make money on medium. And today, I am going discuss exactly how to make money on medium. There are so many ways to earn money online, and you can turn it into the profession. Making money with medium is one of the best ways to earn by writing instantly. If you have little to no idea about Medium platform, It is a blogging platform where you can post articles.

Starting a blog on Watch this FIRST.

What do you need to start making money on Medium?

In short, Medium is like Twitter for bloggers. Tom June 21, at am — Reply. Sign up for it right here to start making money with the Medium Partner Program! Medium used to pay based on the claps from an articles. Of make money writing on medium if you can drive thousands of traffic per month through meddium medium. What moeny you come to know that you can drive huge traffic to your website by social bookmarking sites? Michael Hannigan March 21, at am — Make money writing on medium. Benefit of having your own blog is, there are lot of ways you can make money bloggingnot just affiliate marketing. If people like your content and people engage with your content, then they will show the love to your article by pressing the clap button. Notify me of new posts by email. Another cool way to get eyes on your locked posts is to mention it in your free ones. Here, an affiliate makes money by promoting and selling products from a certain company. Ahh, this is the million dollar question.
