How to make money online selling domain names

You entered an incorrect username or password. Chances are the buyer will try to resell the domain with a margin profit. If you are one of them, then this article is definitely a must-read for you. For more information on the event, go to Namescon.

Domain names are hot gow in today’s tech-centric world. The result is a unique opportunity for investors to invest in domain names that can be sold for a profit in the future. Building a high-quality domain portfolio can take months or years to accomplish. Often, the key is looking forward to what domains may become popular in the future and hedging through numbers by purchasing hundreds of domains. Others choose to purchase a few already high profile domains and sit on them hoping that they appreciate in value. Words that describe a product or service, including new and emerging products, can be a great investment.

Determining the value of a domain

Buying the rights to an internet domain name that someone else wants allows you to charge them either for licensing or purchase. Even sites that others don’t want right away can be an opportunity for advertisement. This can be a risky business, but the right domain name can create a substantial return on investment. This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 10 references. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading

Once you have found the domain name of your choice, you can log onto Alexa. We use an exclusive algorithm that relies on both machine learning and real market sales data to estimate domain values. Domain parking allows you to display advertisements under your URL and generate revenue. One must see the future potential growth for that particular domain. Just make sure to bear in mind name and trademark laws. There is low upfront investment required to get started. Please enter all required fields. The platform entry might not be attractive. Not yet a member? Even though generic domain names are usually taken, there may sellung some unregistered domain names. I agree to Cleverism’s. GoDaddy, Namecheap and Flippa. You may onlins like View all. At the end, the new holder is registered in the registry issuercompleting the sale. It allows you to determine roughly what price you can charge for your domain. Find out about the advantages of an individual domain and learn how to secure your own in just a few steps What is a domain?
