Facebook make money as an artist online

facebook make money as an artist online

Labels can also sign up on Bandcamp to discover and manage artists. I think it depends on the artist and their artwork. Click here to check it out! First, collect email addresses of potential customers of your artworks. While it may sound like a daunting task, it can be one of the most lucrative decisions you make. Descriptions or comments always deepen people’s experiences of your art.

How to Make Money with Your Art Online

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. That means if you buy something we get a small commission at no extra cost to you learn. So you enjoy creating art pieces for yourself maybe your social media followers and consider it a hobby or a lifestyle? Famous artists had a bumpy ride, but they got to greatness and happiness because they could do what they love and get paid for it! All you have to do is to change your mindset about getting commissioned to paint a portrait to make money…. The 21st century is full of awesome opportunities for all beginner and professional artists to make money in all sorts of different new age ways! And believe it or not, some of it joney be my favorite — passive income.

Give it a try:

facebook make money as an artist online
You know, the artist stereotype. The starving artist. That stereotype. It is. But so is trying to do anything we love for a living: doable and possible with certain amounts of persistence and dedication.


Disclosure: This post mobey contain affiliate links. That means if you buy something we get a small commission at no extra cost to you learn.

So you enjoy creating art pieces for yourself maybe your social media followers and consider it a hobby or a lifestyle? Famous artists had a bumpy ride, but they got to greatness and happiness because they could do what they love and get paid for it! All you have to do is to change your mindset about getting commissioned to paint a portrait to make money…. The 21st century is full of awesome opportunities for all beginner and professional artists to make money in all sorts of different new age ways!

And believe it or not, some of it will be maks favorite — passive income. First things first, I will walk you through all of these steps one-by-one below, but I just want to give you a quick overview of what your options are. Diversification is the key! I would start with two or three ways, and then add more ma,e by one!

If you only rely on one source of income online or are active on only one platform — there is a high chance that you will fail. So what ab your Etsy store has thousands of sales? So what that you have a million followers on Instagram? One second you are a trending famous artist — and the next you have nothing to show and no way to make money!

But at the end of the day, you receive financial freedom and the ability to make a living from your passion. Easy right? We are looking for a platform that has a lot of people who enjoy art — potential buyers. The best social platforms for that are FacebookTwitterPinterest, Instagram.

My personal onlkne are Instagram and Pinterest as there are so many wonderful artists in there! Rather you need to post great quality content regularly, engage and be honest.

Then you can post about selling your artworks, or opening commissions or leading them to your own website where you will offer them pieces to sell. Where they cover everything from setting up your own prices to social media and promotions. My absolute favorite is of course Etsy. It gives you a lot of freedom, many people trust it and already have accounts with Etsy which means they will trust to buy from this site. All you have to do is set up an account, set up your own prices and publish items for sale.

Then get your social followers to the website. And if Etsy thinks your stuff is awesome — they will bump it up in their search and you will get organic free traffic to your products! Gumroad is a platform that enables creators to sell products directly to consumers. Pretty cool, right? Of course for that, you will need to facebook your social media skills on point! Note, Gumroad is not only for selling your art, but printables, courses, presets, brushes and anything else!

This last one is pretty simple as well, you NEED to have a portfolio! With a simple portfolio website, you attract new buyers as well as you can get commissioned to do work. The beauty of a website is that the earlier you start — the better.

Can you facebook one coffee for a beautiful website to show off to your family, friends, following and potential customers? I thought so. PLUS, I created an onliine step-by-step tutorial for you to follow when creating a website portfolio from scratch!

On the other hand, if you are not tech-savvy just like me and you want to start with the easiest platform to build your portfolio site professionally — then I definitely recommend getting started with Wix. They are a little more pricy, but in return, you get a platform with which you can build an awesome-looking portfolio site in an hour or so! When working as an artist in a big firm — who do you work for and who gets the cut of your pay?

As a result — you get a salary. But sometimes you have to take the risk and try working for yourself — freelancing! Going back to social media — if you want to earn money working from home you need to be seen! I would suggest finding people who are around your skill level and see what they charge. Also, original work tends to sell for way higher than prints, so keep that in mind when explaining to your customers.

There are a lot of websites out there that let you upload your art on their website, and decide which mock-ups to put it on clothing, fscebook, pillows, pencil cases. Then you lead your own customers there, or your merch can be found organically through the search.

When someone purchases your product, those websites handle the making of it, the financial side, deliveries and returns. They create, we produce and fulfill, onlinr every purchase pays an artist.

Zazzle is an American online marketplace that allows designers and customers to create their own products with independent manufacturers, as well as use images from participating companies. For exampleyou can add a painting for sale like this one below! Grecian Paradise. Watercolor painting of Santorini Wood Print. You are awesome and have a lot of valuable info you can share without even realizing it!

I still decided to try, and rewards were awesome! It might seem like nothing, but I spent 10 hours creating it, artust the video brings me a bit of passive income every day! You can also look for coupons online to watch videos for free that are for paid members.

Skillshare is my absolute favorite! I learned a inline deal about painting, drawing, and blogging from this platform, and you can too! Here is my link that will give you 2 months of Skillshare for fre! Side note: you can send me a link to your class later to my email: anna yourartpath. On Skillshare, your paycheck depends on how many minutes a person watches your course. Making a class is a whole new blog post, so I will just say that you have to do some research, prepare your video and publish it!

Udemy is also a learning platform that has a knline of lessons from how to draw pin-up girls to how to master social media. Meaning — you have to bring traffic to it yourself! But they are definitely the best at what they do — which is taking care of your course hosting, the selling process and sales pages. Well, once you get into YouTube you will realize that those ads help artists and all the video creators to make money online.

Once you publish a video, you have to reach a certain threshold before YouTube will start giving you a cut from advertisers.

The longer ads people will watch and the more they click on it — the more money you will make. It takes time to get out there and actually start earning income, but the good thing is that once you build a following on YouTube, you can start sending traffic from there to your website.

Then, all that traffic that comes from YouTube to your website will check artizt your site and products you offer. Simple, facebook make money as an artist online record your process of making an art piece and share it with the world just like I do! Art Portfolio is a place for you to feature your art pieces, talk about yourself, constantly update with only your art and provide people with the options they have of commissioning you or buying your products.

For example, you can interview artistsreview art products or create tutorials. Therefore, for those two I recommend different platforms where you should start. Moreover, you get to build a large following of people who trust you and your great quality content, and when you make a product ready to sell — your readers will become your buyers. But if you think about blogging as writing an email to your best friend — you will do just fine!

Go back to the section where I talk about them and figure out your first steps. FacebookTwitterPinterest, Instagram. This is something I have never considered. Then selling some of it may work. Thanks for the information. Thanks for stopping by, Rick! My wife is uber talented and has been thinking of ways to sell fxcebook artwork for some time.

I love the idea of starting an onlind blog and I think she will. She could not only teach people about art, but she could operate a shop from her blog as. I never really thought about the possibilities until I read your post. Like you said, she could do tutorials, etc and I think this would really be great, she loves to teach. Thanks so much for sharing this, you added value to my day :. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us, Steve! Awesome article. Thank you so much for your suggestions on ways to make money selling our creativity.

It always feels great do be doing something we are passionate about and at the same time help others and earn some passive income. I used to watch Youtube a lot to get some ideas on arts and crafts so I definitely agree with you that Youtube is one of the way to make money online. I will bookmark your page to share with my creative friends and family, they will benefit so much from. This is a very great article but I makw to know if I can write short fiction stories with drawings on my blog?

Dear Kunle, Of course you can do it! Then, promote your work through other social media channels that will lead to your new site! Please help me .

Websites where you can sell your art:

Using your creativity is one of the best ways on how to make money as an artist. She was attracted to Pivotshare because it was a platform she could easily use to put content up and increase facebook make money as an artist online she was already doing. Skip to content. Pivotshare is a website that creates subscription channels for people who make videos. Can you recommend a link where you explain your methods? So, address the subscriber by the first name and write in a friendly language. Mike England. By selling at such low prices, you can sell but not earn a profit, which is so crucial to building a design career.
