Make quick money online as a writer

make quick money online as a writer

How to start. Thanks again, Oni. Now that I read this article I am determined to stop talking about it and doing it. Thanks for sharing.

1. Start a Blog

This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, when you make a purchase. Please, read my affiliate disclaimer for more details. Today, we have yet another special interview with a lady who became a freelance writer in Eight months later, she quit her full-time job and created 30 Days or Less to Freelance Writing Success ecourse, to help others become successful freelance writers just like she did. Her name is Gina Horkey, an expert in freelance writing, and she is here with us to share her writing experiences and expertise. Please, tell us a little bit about. How did you get started as a freelance writer?

10. Pitch for Jobs

make quick money online as a writer
Last Updated on January 16, The world is shifting to the on-demand economy of the individual , which presents fantastic opportunities for entrepreneurship, wealth creation, remote work, and time freedom. You could use a platform like Flexjobs to find a remote job instantly and land some freelance work. Next, use Airbnb to host your own place or stay in another country for months. And you can do this while probably saving money compared to your current rent. The problem is, most how to make money online articles are still talking about outdated tactics :.

You can paid to write for these 30+ sites:

This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, when you make a purchase. Please, read my affiliate moneey for more details. Today, we have yet another special interview with a lady who became a freelance writer in Eight months later, she quit her full-time job and created 30 Days or Less to Freelance Writing Success ecourse, to help others become successful freelance writers just like she did.

Her name is Gina Horkey, an expert in freelance writing, and she is here with us to share her writing experiences and expertise. Please, tell us wrjter little bit about. How did you get started as a freelance writer? Monye career prior to was working as a financial advisor and support person to a large financial planning practice for almost a decade. So I make quick money online as a writer looking into freelance writing on April 15th, I set up my website in May of that same year and got wrirer first paying gig in June.

I then added my qick VA client in September and launched an online course in December of It was a busy year for wrier family, but by the end of it I was able to quit my and go full-time freelance! How long have you been working as a freelance writer? What do you like most about being a freelance writer? I enjoy expressing myself through writing and each article, email or sales page is a bit of a puzzle and Makw like solving puzzles!

In addition to the writing part, I enjoy working with clients, helping them spot opportunities for growth and realize their business goals. No experience required! Was it hard for you to get well paying clients? If yes, are there any other challenges you faced as a writer? It all started with getting some samples under my belt, landing my first paying gig and then growing from.

Pssst… Not sure what to write about? Rejection is probably the biggest challenge any new writer faces. Fear of being rejected is actually the number one thing that holds people back from building a successful business. This always baffles me, because how joney you find clients if you never prospect or market your business?

Can anybody write? If not, what sort of training or skill set should one have before getting started. Not everyone should put themselves out there to write for pay. And again, writing is only one part of it. You may be wgiter super strong writer, but not willing to market. How much should a junior writer expect to make per month or 6 months from now? Is there any initial investment required?

It depends of course, right? It depends on that whole marketing and skill development thing, but it also depends on how much time you have to invest in building your business. Did you know that writing is just one offering under the virtual assistant umbrella? Click here to learn more! It also depends on your goals. Or are you looking to replace a full-time income? As far as the investment, you just need to have the skills writing chopsa computer and reliable internet access or access to.

You can go the purely sweat equity investment route and through research and trial and error figure it out on your own or take a course onine 30 Days or Less to Freelance Writing Onlinw to significantly decrease your startup time. Who do freelance writers write for and where do they get their clients or projects from?

I like to say that every business needs mone website and make quick money online as a writer every website needs a blog. You can find clients through cold pitching, networking, agencies, online bid sites like Elance. I understand you have a aa that teaches people how to write in 30 days or. Can you tell us more about the course? Do you have any success stories that you can share with us? As we close, what successful tips or advice would you give those who are just getting started?

There you have it, folks. Thank you, Gina, for taking the time out your busy schedule to share with us your freelance writing experiences monsy expertise. Ss writing is a lucrative work from home job that can earn you thousands of dollar every single year.

If you feel wrifer writing is the career path you, I highly recommend 30 Days or Less to Freelance Writing Success ecourse. It will teach you everything you need to know to become a professional writer. Gina Horkey is a married, millennial mama to two precocious toddlers from Minnesota. Love this! I am always looking for ways to get paid for my writing and this is very helpful. Thanks so much! This is fascinating, actually.

Thank you for sharing this! I shared this post with a friend of mine that is thinking about doing freelance writing. She found this very helpful. Thanks so much for your post. Save my name, email, and website in this quck for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

Learn how your q data is processed. October 20, Taylor The Millennial Sprinkle 3 years ago Reply. Virginia Nakitari Post Author 3 years ago Reply. Happy to hear that Taylor! All the best. Lisa 3 years ago Reply.

Happy to hear that Lisa! Leolynn 3 years onlkne Reply. Always happy to help. Write A Comment Cancel Reply.

Easy Ways to Make Money Online (and Offline) in 2020

Thanks onlinr. Aww thanks so much! I might add working through a freelance platform like elance or Upwork to the list. More than make quick money online as a writer of the publications from the original list have been removed. August 31, at am. Hi Jeremy — happy to add you if you can tell us what you ad Robert Kelsey says:. Blogging and freelance writing is awesome side gigs to have! Amazing Content!! I hope this helps. David, I like writing about philosophy, time travel, all that stuff related to human existence, how human were created, quicck created us. I want to do any online job and whatever the paying is. Hi Shawn, So happy to hear that! Become the Belly Gym Expert for working women. Chukwu says:. Every writer needs a blog.
