How much money did john holmes make

The lowest point in his life was when he was implicated in four grisly, drug-related murders on July 1, Previous Post. Holmes was uncircumcised.

Although John D. Rockefeller amassed a large sum of money during his career as an oil tycoon, most of his profits went to funding philanthropic organizations, promoting the arts and sustaining centers for education and medicine. John D. Instead of keeping his wealth to himself, Rockefeller gave others in the American society moneu piece of good fortune by investing holmrs activities and programs designed to benefit. Rockefeller was how much money did john holmes make inand lived for nearly a century, dying in Rockefeller ultimately found great success as a businessman, but began life in poverty.

How much is John Holmes Worth?

I am no expert on John Holmes, but come on, he was not 5’2 that much I know. Is this a joke????? Why is he listed as 5’2. People who he seemed to have met claim he was a tall guy. Even if h e was short, come on people 5’2??????????? That shorter than most girls!!!!!!!!!!!! He was usually taller than the girls he was featured with.

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I am no expert on John Holmes, but come on, he was not 5’2 that much I know. Is this a joke????? Why is he listed as 5’2. People who he seemed to have met claim he was a tall guy. Even if h e was short, come on people 5’2??????????? That shorter than most girls!!!!!!!!!!!! He was usually taller than the girls he was featured. Remeber John Holmes is one of the highest grossing performers in the adult industry even today, even after death. The reason for his fame is not that he was handsome, a talented actor, or exibited great technique or athletecism.

He is legend because of his large penis which appears even larger when attached to such a lanky man. As a result, there is much money to be made in perpetuating exaggerations of his phallic demensions in order to maintain this income stream. Holmes was bisexual, it’s very well known and the article should be edited to show this about. Was Holmes actually bisexual? Holmes» in which two or three people who knew Holmes specifically denied that he was bisexual.

George24 September UTC. This post is full of rumours, hypothesis and assertions where no evidence at all is presented. If the post is going to refer to rumours, such as the one that Holmes was bribed to have sex with other male prisoners, it should specify the source of the rumours.

It looks like they were made up by the author. Grantex23 Sep More information is needed, particularly, did he divorce or leave his wife? The narrative jumps from wife to underage girlfriend with no explanation. Also, it’s worth taking the above into consideration re: the number of films he made after he knew his HIV status.

This bio doesn’t do Holmes justice. Most of it seems correct but a lot is strange. The Cuban references don’t make sense and seems hacked in by a vandal. The discussion of the penis size and dildo is really strange if not irrelevant and the account of his heroin use seems inaccurate. Holmes’ story is interesting not so much for the pornstar aspect but for the fact that he was a very average guy from a rural midwest town who became successful in very unusual way — a way that is disdained and marginalized by our culture like prostitution is — and then crashed and burned as a result.

Holmes’ story sheds some light on an interesting aspect of our culture at an endlessly fascinating point in time. He had a very troubled childhood and the way he threw himself into porn stardom was a desperate attempt to reinvent himself and escape his humble origins. His story is really interesting in a lot of ways. The injustice is when people delete sections from wikipedia entries without having the proof to back up their claims that the information is incorrect. Until proven wrong, you need to leave the entries.

Some people have tried to categorize these pages, saying that Holmes was Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or transgendered? But no evidence is produced. How much money did john holmes make this does not make him gay. If it does, then what to say about Eric McCormack, the straight heterosexual man who played gay blade «Will» on «Will and Grace»? Holmes was known for his notorious womanizing, and scores of women have come forward to tell their tale. If JH really was a descendent, can the article be disambiguated to shoew which he was the GGGandson of.

His birth name was John Curtis Estes. His father was Mr. Carl Estes, a railroad worker. His mother John’s last name to Holmes after she married her second husbund, a Mr. A number of anon users keep claiming that Holmes did not inject heroin. Our article has said the opposite for a long time. Do we have any evidence? From «Last Days»: «Holmes never used needles and was deathly afraid of them; he was addicted to smoking cocaine.

Could it be refined a bit? I suggest that you go to Wikipedia is not censored and read it carefully. If you continue to make these reversions simply because you don’t like the content of the article, ultimately some sort of administrator action will be taken.

It would be easier just to leave the article as it and turn your attention to more worthwhile edits. User:2HOT2 recently removed the section Just how endowed was he?

Some of these links also have suggestive images showing an apparently nude Holmes with his private parts covered by the hands of many people.

From User:2HOT2 ‘s edit comments and remarks on Hayford Peirce and my talk pages it is clear that this user has a strong objection to this material. Please discuss. Are there good reasons good according to Wikipedia policy why this material should not be in the article? Is it factually inaccurate, improperly sourced, or «subtrivial» of no real importance in relation to the article’s topic?

Are there problems with its being non-neutral e. Are all of the links needed, or do the ones with the images merely duplicate information available in the links without the images? Are any of the links promotional linkspam? At first glance, I do not see any obvious problems.

Dpbsmith talk27 September UTC. This is the proper channel. A consensus of what? Like minded individuals with an agenda to fulfill!? Good faith only goes so far Durova. Your blaming parents for what their children see or talk about in school is disengenuous and frightening. It’s as if a dictator proclaims that an element be imposed upon everyone and everthing, and those who oppose a rule be bannished.

Your «unilateral» response that suggests a doubt about consensus, shows a bias towards performing the dictators wishes and blaming the opposers for their concerns is If the images on the links are illegal in some States, and they are, what is the defence of using them except for purient interests? What I’m hearing is Walmart should be allowed to sell X-rated videos among the Disney videos and the parents be blamed for taking the children shopping!

I’m sure a consensus could be reached in favor of that too, if, as a society we only allow a consensus by a few, which we do, but that is a different matter in the over all debate. Invite the local sheriff over for a view and popcorn, and let us know the results.

Then this may be the point for the prior suggestion to send to the powers that be a message for policy control, re-structure of «Adult» content into a category of its own, and a filtering policy provided by Wikipedia. At least the material would be available for those who have to have it and the minors and parents are «protected» through policy. I’m not really suggesting a police state for Wikipedia, just a prudent approach to a concernable issue. Disclaimers: I’m no particular expert on this topic.

I have, however, worked in the adult industry, been to law school, and done web design professionally, so I have some first-hand technical knowledge of the issues. Of course I also obviously have something of a pro-adult bias, and I have no children. It seems to me that this is a perennial problem, one that famously has no perfect solutions. I see two major questions. First, to what extent does Wikipedia have a responsibility to prevent minors’ access to content that our society generally considers inappropriate for them?

Second, precisely how should Wikipedia go about carrying out that responsibility? The first question is logically prior to the second, so I want to address it exclusively and I think we should do the same throughout this discussion. The question has both legal and ethical aspects. The law prohibits providing minors access to adult content.

Unfortunately the details of this for the web are still extremely unclear. Despite this, the current policy seems generally sound to me. Wikipedia is clearly not pandering obscenity to minors. First, it generally doesn’t contain obscenity; what potentially objectionable content it contains is almost inevitably not in violation of, say, the Miller test.

It’s equally clearly not targeted to minors. While most encyclopedias are certainly used by minors, Wikipedia does not reach out to minors for the purpose of exposing them to potentially objectionable content or even reach out to minors at all, as far as I’m aware. So legally it’s probably ok. The ethical issue is much more difficult. Whatever solution we come to must balance the very purpose of a general encyclopedia, systematically organizing and conveying an overview of the accumulated knowledge of humanity, with the ethical imperative not to harm minors by exposing them to damaging content.

I chose my words carefully. It is not the responsibility of Wikipedia to prevent minors’ exposure to information that is merely offensive to their guardians.

Wikipedia is accessible to anyone on Earth with an internet connection. Standards of offensiveness vary extremely widely within that immense group, and content filtering technology is and will be for as long as we can see in no way up to such a gargantuan task.

It is therefore impossible for Wikipedia to prevent minors’ exposure to content that their guardians find objectionable, and I think we would all agree that no one can be morally obligated to accomplish an impossible task.


This story was written by Charles W. He had set it up with the other people, the people that lived at Wonderland. After a three-week trial, he was male of all charges except committing contempt of court on June 26, Although the prosecutor argued that Holmes actually committed mlney of the slayings, a jury acquitted. Archived from the original on April 17, In the early ’80s, he was a frequent visitor to the Hollywood Hills. Retrieved March 13, John Mnoey Inc. In the biographical feature documentary Exhausted, John C. When I come home at night, the tools stay on the job. He was diagnosed with AIDS late in but continued working—without telling producers or his co-stars—untilwhen his increasingly gaunt and frail physical appearance sent up «red flags» in the industry and he could no longer find work. Ashville, OhioU. Oh, Mama, can this really be the end?
