As part of the storyline, Lester Crest offers Franklin the opportunity to perform assassinations for a moderately hefty compensation. Additional information will be added soon! It forces players to dedicate quite a bit of time to playing if they want all the newest gear, which in turn makes the prospect of buying Shark Cards all the more enticing. Last Edited: 2 Jan pm. Head to the northern part of Paleto Bay along the dirt road as shown in the map below and you should find a random encounter where two guys were getting ready to kill a girl the girl is actually mob boss «Sonny’s» daughter. People who have just visited an ATM generally have a bit of cash in their pockets.
Short on pocket money? There are loads of way to make a few hundred bucks here and there as you cruise around Los Santos. If you tire of petty crime and want a windfall that will let you buy up property, the stock market is easily gamed. Mugging NPCs in the street will always net you a bit of cash, but if you spot someone using an ATM then this almost guarantees they will fastest way to make money gta 5 xbox 360 some extra money on. Wait for them to complete their transaction before taking them down, using a melee or silenced weapon to avoid drawing extra attention to your crime, then high tail it out of the area. There are plenty of convenience stores dotted around the map, and they provide an excellent opportunity to grab a quick buck. Draw a weapon and point it at the cashier, then wait for them to empty their takings into a bag before grabbing it.
When you begin playing in GTA V, you’ll have rather a little of money and won’t be able to go crazy during shopping. But there are several ways to add few zeros to your account. The most obvious way to get extra cash, is to start robbing. Every time you collect your team, you can choose between several candidates, who’s skills differ a lot. The better skills, the less complications during the mission, but also the more money you have to put on the table. But it should be noted, that worse candidates will develop their skill with every robbery but, simultaneously, they keep their low financial demands. So the most economically, is to choose the cheapest companions.
When you begin playing in GTA V, you’ll have rather a little of money and won’t be able to go crazy during shopping. But there are several ways to add few zeros to your account. The most obvious way to fastest way to make money gta 5 xbox 360 extra cash, is to start robbing.
Every time you collect your team, you can choose between several candidates, who’s skills differ a lot. The better skills, the less complications during the mission, but also the more money you have to put on the table. But it should be noted, that worse candidates will develop their skill with every robbery but, simultaneously, they keep their low financial demands. So the most economically, is to choose the cheapest companions. Missions will be, in general, more complicated, but you shouldn’t feel that too.
For example, during the first robbery, when you choose the weakest driver, you won’t obtain instructions where to drive to, worse motorcycles in the sewers and small stop after that, but you should make it. The worst shooter will make him crush and lose money, but you’ll collect them as Franklin, so there is no lose. Choosing the IT man defines how much time you have for looting all cases and it’s the only crew member at who you shouldn’t spare money, because he decides how much cash you’ll get from the robbery.
At the next robberies, you can use the same companions and they should be better. But you have to decide by yourself, if you’re ready for bigger challenge — if yes, you’ll increase your income greatly.
While wandering around, you should run into armored vans, which have a lot of money inside. Depending on the reaction time, you can eliminate bodyguards before or after they got into the van. But if they detect you, they’ll run away and you’ll have to begin the chase.
When you take over the vehicle, you have to open the back door. You can use, for example, a Sticky Bomb, but the shotgun will also make it. Aim at the lock, in the very middle of the door. When you open it, you get cash. Its amount is variable, but it should be about five-six thousands.
Also, beware of police, because you’ll have 2-star Wanted level. So, firstly get rid of it and then collect the cash. As every standard criminal, you can also get into the shop and steal all money from its owner.
It won’t be large amounts, but few additional dollars should get into your wallet. When you enter the shop, aim at the owner and he begins to unload the cash. Sometimes, he may have a shotgun, hidden under the counter, so you have to kill him first and then open the cash, by firing at it. If so, look around — there may be other cash. Naturally, after that you’ll have a police on your tail, so you should have a prepared car in the front of the shop or, at least, a place where you can hide.
You can steal from gas stations, supermarkets and liquor shops. You can’t steal from clothing shops and Ammu-Nation, where you can take out your gun. Playing on the Stock Exchange, may give you a powerful amount of dollars, if you know which shares to choose. In the game, you will hear about growths and falls which may happen, so listen to them carefully if you don’t hear clearly, you can always check it in the options and then buy proper shares.
The biggest vein of gold is Franklin, while he performs kills on company presidents for Lester. So before you begin mission, invest in corporation, opposite to at which you attack repeat for all three kills. More detailed information in chapter about the Stock Exchange.
You can also earn money from secondary missions, events, activities and buying companies. Take part in races, steal taxi and become a taxi-driver, catch thieves, find collectibles remember to take Chop with you or, simply, attack people on the street and take them money. In the latter case, you should interest in people at ATMs, because they should have more money than the random persons.
It won’t be great amount of cash dozens, sometimes few hundreds of dollarsbut it’s something at the beginning of the game. At the end: remember, that the easiest way to get money, is to save.
Don’t buy weapon — get it from. Don’t buy a car, steal it. Spend money only on the very necessities. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Game Guides. Games Encyclopedia. Release Dates. Grand Theft Auto V Guide. Strategy Guide. How to earn money quickly the fastest way to get cash. Table of Contents. Weaker companions will upgrade their skills with preserving low financial demands. Fire at the lock to open the van.
People using ATMs should have some money with. Introduction Basics. Using vehicles and motorcycles Using boats Using airplanes and helicopters Choosing equipment How to earn money quickly the fastest way to get cash Buying properties Playing on the Stock Exchange Police and its actions User Interface First-person mode Radio stations Game editions. Main characters. Franklin Michael Trevor Characters skills. Choices and endings. Choices during robberies Endings. Friendships and Love Affairs.
Basic information Chop. The most interesting places. Introduction Government facilities Los Santos Others. Easter eggs The best weapons Unique Vehicles. Melee fights Firearms fights Fights using vehicles. Activities, Entertainment. Cheat codes PS3 Xbox Introduction Unlocking and the order of completing missions Main missions. Strangers and Freaks missions. Richards The Last One. Property missions. Murder Mystery. Random events. Other Quests. Introduction Activities. Cinema Strip Clubs Prostitutes.
Grand Theft Auto Online. Heists DLC. X PS3. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page.
Special & Vehicle Cargo
While gaining cash might be the immediate goal here, don’t forget to actually have fun while playing. Available with ALL characters. You will sometimes receive occasional invitations from other players to participate in Jobs. There are plenty of aspiring VIPs out there in need of protection. The rewards can be substantial, although you can only sell one car per in-game day 48 minutes. Plus, see our tips under «Lend Yourself A Hand» below to learn how to double or even triple the daily objective bonuses! You really just need to ram through anything that gets between you and the package, race back out and you’re golden. They end up saving more than you spend on most occasions.
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