I wanna leave my husband doesnt make enough money

i wanna leave my husband doesnt make enough money

I just finished my first year of law school. It depends on the spouse if they respect their decision to stay home and raise the kids. For thirty five years I asked him to get another job so we could have some security. Don’t subscribe All Replies to my comments Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. That said, you can take action yourself.

My Husband Does Not Make Enough Money

But it is not at all obvious. The wanba I see are husbands starting businesses, or growing their businesses, and getting promotions—three husbandd one year, sometimes——or winning sales contests and getting raises. And it was all because their wives took this scary, but enormously gratifying, approach. In fact, just like jealousy, it has the opposite effect, which I explain. First my husband made less, then he made nothing as I continuously hinted, reminded, nagged and urged him to find a way to earn more income. Wanting my husband to make more money was actually a colossal distraction from another problem I had, which was that I worried about money.

My Husband Is A Rich Controlling Miser

i wanna leave my husband doesnt make enough money
So you need to talk with your husband about this Explain to him that it’s very hard on you to go out and work 2 jobs and then come home and be a mother and a wife. Maybe you can work one job part time if really neccessary, and leave the other one in order to have more time at home and with your children. The other option to question, would be to leave both jobs if there are thing that you can do without cut down your expenses. Well, you didn’t mention your total income

Why do women run when men have financial problems? — STEVE HARVEY

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What I learned: I want the power to spend my money how I like and the ability to save a safety net should anything in my life not go as planned. Reality is if you want a breadwinner then marry one. I know he loves me, he is very loyal but sometimes I wonder if its. Nothing motivates him to work. The only event in which your resentment would be misplaced is if your husband has no idea you want him to make more money. Laura, I really enjoy your aanna and have successfully applied your advice to my marriage, but I have difficulty with letting my husband handle the family finances.
