How much money make month on vipkid

We want to share this program with you because we think it is such a great way for many people to earn money while working remotely. Feb 2, Not bad! Here are some tips that I think would be helpful for beginner and veteran teachers alike: Be energetic and positive because your emotions will rub off on your students. Join The DigiNo Community! At most jobs, your wage is calculated using a simple equation, more or less: your hourly wage times how many hours you work. We cater to over , paying students, as well as hundreds of thousands of trial students who are testing out the platform before becoming paying students.


I thought it would be helpful for people who are considering becoming teachers if I shared how much money I make with VIPKID and how long it took me to get. Getting Hired With VipKid. Want to make some muh cash teaching adorable Chinese children online? Click the button below! First things first, I really need to stress with you if you are considering applying to VIPKID or teaching English online to Chinese children that this is not a typical job.

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But teaching English.. I can actually get paid for that?! Yes you can! I’m breaking down the truth about making money with VIPKID and will show you how much you could be earning as an online ESL teacher with one of the leading companies in its field. This is how much you will get paid per 25 minute class you teach. They are actually paid their base pay rate plus an additional incentive amount per class they teach. If you were hired after the end of December , there is a new incentive structure that VIPKid has rolled out!

Your Experience

I thought it would be helpful for people who are considering becoming teachers if I shared joney much money I make with VIPKID and how long it took me to get. Getting Hired With VipKid. Want to make some extra cash teaching adorable Chinese children online? Click the button below! First things first, I really need to stress with you if you are considering applying to VIPKID or teaching English online to Chinese children that this is not a typical job.

You are an independent contractor. You are not guaranteed a vilkid of hours straight from the start. So, because of that, it may take awhile to build up your following and students. It took me well into my six-month contract before I was getting fully booked. I will go over that more in detail in a mobey. Also, please note that pay structure and scale varies.

It can also go up or down based on how well you do on your initial mock class interview. My pay scale is somewhere around the middle. I get asked all the time- do you like the job? Yes, I do like mone job. I like setting my own hours. I like the freedom of working in the morning and it not taking away any time from my children and my other businesses.

They make this job fun and worth getting up in the morning. To get bookings you have to make yourself available during the prime lesson times in China. Even if you are deathly ill and cancel your classes the day of you have to pay for every class you cancel. I probably should have canceled. And as I feel more comfortable paying myself from other business ventures I will scale. Right now I am enjoying this schedule so this is what I foresee it to be for the next few months.

I got hired at the beginning of May. Right after I got hired I galavanted off to England and Scotland for a few weeks. June was much better but was not seeing the bookings I was hoping. I did, however, teach 47 classes hod was over the moon at that paycheck. At the time it was a huge blessing to us. In July I started feeling more in the flow mney started getting regular students and I felt like I had hit the jackpot.

It was summer in China so I opened up both nightly and morning slots and taught whatever time slots filled. August was about the same as July except I took a week off to travel to Turks and Caicos. Because of that, I made ,onth the same as July so I muxh it for a win.

More regular students and muvh bookings started to make it feel like it was a worthwhile side gig. At this point, I felt like I had hit my stride, was getting fully booked at the slots I was opening and doing very little prep work before classes. In October I opened up way more time slots than September and the pattern of mufh up in payment continued.

Put your all into every class. Get good feedback. There is a correlation to the amount of feedback you have and to how many noney that are opened to make you a desirable teacher. Open lots of time slots.

Mpney are less likely to book a teacher who has just a few feedbacks and a wide opened teacher than a teacher with lots of feedback that fills quickly. The only vipki for this is patience, patience, patience. Please know it takes most female teachers their entire first contract to how much money make month on vipkid the bookings they want.

Male teachers do not have this issue as there are less of them and their schedules tend to fill more quickly. Email me via the contact page if you have any questions! If you are already hired and are discouraged, hang in.

It gets better!

Making Money With VIPKid – Why Bother?

We thought it might! How you perform in your demonstration class goes a long way to determining whether you get the job. For instance, if they need a little more encouragement to speak or if they are very high-level and can use more challenging questions. After each lesson, you will write written feedback about the student. We won’t be covering those in this section, because they aren’t valid all the time. Do you want to know more about teaching English overseas? A couple months ago, we heard about a program called VIPKid that allows English speakers to teach Chinese students through video chat. High school sweethearts from Minnesota, USA. Are you ready? Each class lasts 25 minutes; this means you can teach two classes in one hour. Check our data privacy policy. The application process cannot be more easy. During the final 5 minutes, they will go over the next steps with you explained .
