How much money do phone sex workers make uk

how much money do phone sex workers make uk

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How much do phone sex operators actually make?

how much money do phone sex workers make uk
I’ve been working in Nevada’s legal brothels for almost a year and a half now. In this time I’ve learned a lot about sexuality, psychology and relationships. My job is a mix of customer service and fantasy fulfillment, and I love it. It suits my needs and allows me financial stability I never had access to before. However, what I’ve noticed since starting this career is that there is a lot that the general public doesn’t seem to get about sex work. Here are some of the biggest misconceptions:. I can describe my job many ways, but never as easy.

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I’ve been working in Nevada’s legal brothels for almost a year and a half. In this time I’ve learned a lot about sexuality, psychology and relationships. My job is a mix of customer service and fantasy fulfillment, and I love it. It suits my needs and allows me financial stability I never had access to.

However, what I’ve noticed since starting this career is that there is a lot that the general public doesn’t seem to get about sex work. Here are some of the biggest misconceptions:. I can describe my job many ways, but never as easy. I work a hour shift each day, and during this time I’m juggling my four social media accounts, two professional email addresses, posting on multiple industry message boards, scheduling client appointments, arranging radio interviews, writing essays online, and cleaning meticulously.

I’m also meeting countless visitors of the brothel, taking them on tours, gauging their interest, pulling teeth to figure out exactly what they desire, then negotiating prices.

That’s before the sex even starts, in which I’m generally doing most of the physical workload, putting emotional labor to make my clients feel at ease, listening to their deepest confessions, and trying to make sure they get their money’s worth. Sex work is a physically intimate therapy session for most of our clients.

Many workers who work independently also have to schedule hotel rooms, vet their clients to make sure they aren’t dangerous, run their own websites and handle marketing. In Nevada, all the state’s thousands of legally working sexual companions have mandatory STD testing every week. There has never been a case of HIV reported in the brothel system in Nevada. We use condoms for all of our services — including condoms for blow jobs and dental dams for cunnilingus.

We take our health seriously: just like a massage therapist or a labor contractor, if our bodies aren’t in top shape, we can’t pay our bills, feed ourselves or support our families. To jeopardise our health and our clients’ health for one client’s desires could ruin our reputation and cost us our jobs.

So we take many precautions to protect ourselves and our clients. You’d be surprised at the range of people who walk through our doors. We entertain middle-aged couples looking to spice up their love life. Young military veterans visit struggling to transition back into civilian life and dating. Respectable business men, lawyers, doctors, and professionals who are overworked without time for dating. Men with Asperger’s who find navigating traditional social relationships challenging and confusing.

For many, seeing a sex worker is more than just the act of sex. We provide a safe space to be comfortable with sexuality and physical intimacy. Clients are able to let their barriers down and have a connection with a near stranger and it is often highly therapeutic for. We’re also teachers, guiding our virgin clients through sex and intimacy for the first time. Our how much money do phone sex workers make uk treat us with respect and adoration, and are as kind to us as we are to.

Shaming our clients demonises their sexuality, which is repressive and judgmental. We chose this job because it suits our needs financially and to some, a spiritual or sexual level, others, its simply an income source and there’s nothing wrong with. Our work is deeply personal and intimate.

We see people at their most vulnerable, when they’re naked and expressing their inner most desires. These desires may have been hidden away for years, decades. The relationships I develop with my clients are genuine and I’m happy to see them leave basking in a glow, relaxed and relieved.

Making people feel good about themselves brings me a profound sense of happiness. I can take off three months, six months, two years from work and know my employment will always be welcomed. I don’t drink heavily and I don’t use drugs to get through a shift. I never dread going to work.

All of these are real comments I’ve heard online or in person. The notion that my profession is a last resort for a broken, uneducated woman with a drug habit is a disservice to the range of people who choose to be sex workers. It’s dehumanising, and allows the continued violence and social stigma against sex workers to thrive.

Keeping our industry in the shadows keeps an unfair power balance in the hands of law enforcement and clients who mean us harm. We are human beings, who for many different reasons, but one main one — to provide for ourselves — have chosen sex work as our occupation. It is a valuable and desired service, and will always exist. So we need to bring sex work into the realm of decriminalisation or legalisation, and provide safety, social services and basic human rights to some of the most vulnerable how much money do phone sex workers make uk our society.

She enjoys writing about sex work, social issues and entertaining discussions on safe sex and human sexuality. You can find our Community Guidelines in full. Want to discuss real-world problems, be involved in the most engaging discussions and hear from the journalists? Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Independent Premium Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss real-world solutions, and.

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Faced with the financial uncertainty of Brexit and unregulated house fees, many strip club dancers have seen their earnings drop.

I feel like this is just another extension of. What type of company you choose to work for, your dex, how good you are at phone sex and more critical how passionate you are about the job. I will tell my daughter someday when she’s old enough to understand it. Of course I have some three-hour calls and some three-minute calls. Operating a phone-sex business is not easy. I’ve got a lot of operators available. It requires skills in marketing, design, writing, and basic HTML. Considering a free read: unethical pornography is so readily available it’s almost harder to avoid than find it, a surprising number of people are still paying to call mony how much money do phone sex workers make uk lines. Like this: Like Loading
