Make money from classic cars

make money from classic cars

The company like owners who are accommodating and easy to deal with. I would suggest you look in the back of magazines such as Classic and Sportscar or Hemmings Classic Car. Now your options are much better.

1. Rent Out to Film Production Companies

Iconic yet accessible, they are museum-quality cars that you really just want to take for a spin. These automotive legends have weathered the decades, but with some ingenuity, you can still get behind the wheel of most of. Here’s our list of the ones worth the hunt. Once called «the most beautiful car ever made» by Enzo Ferrari, the s Jaguar E-Type is a classic sports car mainstay. This staple of British motoring history still has verve—it can perform up to m.

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make money from classic cars
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Mary shares experiences from 20 years in the auto industry selling classic cars internationally with her husband. Do you own a classic car? Your first reaction may be a proud yes. Classic car owners love to talk about their cars and the history surrounding.

They can tell you what they are currently being sold for and how lucky they are to have. However, do you enjoy it as much as you thought you would? Perhaps you find the car moneg just sitting in mkae garage doing nothing but costing you money. If this is the case, let’s look at some of the ways you can make it work for you and regain a pride of place in your heart and at the same time put some money in your wallet to offset the cost of owning one.

Contact movie and film companies. If they are making films from the era of your car, and yours is original looking, they may be interested in using it. They may opt to rent it by the day, week or month, depending on their time schedule. If you are observant when watching films, often you’ll see the same car being used time and time again in different films. The company omney owners who are accommodating and easy to deal. You may find that working through an agency will ensure your car is offered to a variety of different dlassic.

Have you considered renting your car out as a wedding vehicle? There are many people who opt not to have a limousine but want something a bit different.

This could include picking up the bridal party with you driving or renting this out to. There is good money to be made from this type of venture. There are always people getting married. This is the same for proms. Many schools have proms at different times of the year, one normally in spring and a Christmas one as. Is yours a vehicle that you could rent out mojey a week or a weekend?

Perhaps you have a VW camper van. Many families or couples want something different, or even retro to get away in. This makes an ideal vacation for a small family. Moneyy know of a woman who has done just. What line of work are you in? If you are in sales, a car makes an ideal mobile billboard. Using removable transfers on your car will get people’s attention. People often see ads on taxis, buses and other common vehicles but less so on a classic vehicle.

If you drive your car and park in public places, you are a good candidate to offer advertising space. For example, a VW van would be ideal to place advertisements for a surf shop on the. You can either make the custom vinyl graphics yourself or let someone else pay you a monthly fee to advertise on your car.

Many people will never have the opportunity to ride in a classic car. You could offer rides at school and community events. Obviously, you would have to either split what you make with the promoters or pay omney a flat fee to be. Many community crom are always looking for something different to include in their annual events.

Contact the schools early to secure a spot. Most will hold outside events in April or May. Promote your car to photographers maake them to use them in their photo shoots. These could be with people in them or simply as a prop in the background. Also, some people want to enhance their photographic make money from classic cars.

Contact professional photographers and let them know what you have and that it can be hired for their uses. I have a classic car and I wish to use it for wedding events. What classix I need to do first? Do I need a different driving license? I know I will have to change the insurance policy as. What should Clasxic do step by step? First, go to your local department of motor vehicles. They will tell you what is required for licensing. Also, go to your Chamber mak Commerce, they will tell you of any other necessary licenses with regards to beginning your business.

See an cras. You will be self-employed and will need to pay taxes on your income. When the necessary permits and licenses are in place, have business cards printed frok begin to mske with people.

Are there any specialized companies in the UK that would manage and let out your classic car on behalf of the owners and if so can you recommend any? I would suggest you look in the back of magazines such as Classic and Sportscar or Hemmings Classic Car.

In their classified ads, you will likely find. Check with your insurance company before allowing them to hire out your car. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account.

Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Check out what others are already charging and set your prices in line with. Remember to check with your insurance company and also contact your Department of Motor Vehicles classiv see if you classci to change your license. I appreciate the ideas. How do you know what to charge? I could see driving a bridal couple from their wedding carw the reception, using the car as a photo prop.

But I don’t know how to charge for it. That sounds like a great idea. The first jake you should do is contact your insurance company and explain what you want to do, and how much the insurance will cost. You will make money from classic cars to become an entrepreneur and begin advertising what you can. Approach wedding planners and place ads where they will be seen by couples planning to get married. For the decals, approach local businesses and see if they see the appeal of putting their marketing on your car.

Fron will need to have your car out and about, as I said in the article, no one will pay to have decals on a car that sits in a garage. If you’re interested in it being used in films, tv etc, take a look at Auto Trader in the classified section. This is very dependent on where you live as you need to be near a place where filming is going on such as Southern California.

Like any self-employed person, making a business mkae of something means you have to hustle. What a fun and inventive hub! So many people keep possessions and don’t engage them — delightful way to share the joy! My hubby owns a classic car but I don’t see him lending it out or even for drom. Even so, this is a great idea and I’m sure many readers will profit from the suggestions.

Thank you for your kind wishes. My ex and I used to buy and sell classic cars so there was always something unusual up the drive. What an interesting topic; a first on HP for me. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners.

HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements moneu partners including Amazon, Google, and.

HubPages Inc, a part of Maven Inc. As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed dlassic a few things. To provide a better website experience, axleaddict. Mmake choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. Mary Wickison. Before beginning, check with your insurance company to see if you need to change your policy. Wedding or Prom Hire Have you considered renting your car out as a wedding vehicle?

Marketing with Custom Vinyl Graphics What line of work are you in? School Events Many people will never have the classoc to ride in a classic car. Photo Shoots Promote your car to photographers for them to koney them in their photo shoots.

Questions must be on-topic, written with proper grammar usage, and understandable to a wide audience. Question: I have a classic car and I wish to use it for wedding events. Answer: First, go to your local department of motor vehicles. Helpful 3. Question: Are there any specialized companies in the UK that would manage and ,oney out your classic car on behalf of the owners and if so can you recommend any?

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Answer: This site is read by people all over the world and of course regulations will be different. This is used for a registered author who enrolls in monry HubPages Earnings program and requests to be paid via PayPal. Using removable transfers on your car will get people’s attention. Men will buy a classic car and park it in their garage, much to the chagrin of their wives. They will tell you what is required for licensing. In fact, if a farmer does have a classic car hidden in his barn, it’s unlikely you’ll find out about it until you talk to him or make friends with someone who knows. ComScore is a media measurement and analytics company providing marketing data and analytics to enterprises, media and advertising agencies, and publishers. Hand out business cards and make money from classic cars you do go to the car shows, consider wearing a t-shirt advertising your business. With so many vintage car lovers across the world, from the US and Europe to Asia and Australia, owners of the exclusive and luxurious cars can turn their interest and hobby into a profitable pastime, allowing them to keep their vehicles in top condition while enjoying taking it on the road and may even enable you to expand your collection in the classix. No data is shared with Facebook unless you engage with this feature. Many owners are very protective of their babies. Question: I have a classic car and I wish to use it for wedding events.
