Drug dealer money making

drug dealer money making

Or you can see if they have any other problems in their organization that you may be able to solve and charge for. It’s insane. Tuesday 19 June pm.

A drug dealer’s take

The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival [2] and was theatrically released in June The documentary starts out as a mock guide to how to be a successful pusher, explains how drug dealers, smugglers, kingpins and drug lords make money and the risks involved, with the ultimate aim of setting the stage for the real purpose for the film. It then seriously examines what perpetuates the War on Drugs and criticizes it, while providing suggestions and opinions from those trying to deal with the problem of drugs from outside of the institutionalized and incentivized war. From Wikipedia, drub free encyclopedia. Bert Drug dealer money making Productions [1] Reckless Productions [1].

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drug dealer money making
I see these drug dealers in corners selling drugs and my question is how much do they make a day for example. I had a very good friend in Bristol who was a drug dealer. Before that he was a «casual» user of drugs, while making a lot of money in sales work he was a Mancunian with the gift of the gab. At some point this was before I met him he was off work for six months with a broken arm. Some of his housemates recommended ketamine for the pain, and he gradually got further into it and other drugs.

How to Make Money Selling Drugs

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The thought of that looming risk, coupled with his comment about big timers having connects with Cali, though, made me wonder about the other side of the weed business—the legitimate. Much like the illegal weed industry, the legal one seems to run on Monopoly money. We’ll assume you’re ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. There are numerous online forum posts and questions posed to drug dealers asking how much they make, which may actually be the best way drug dealer money making get an honest answer these days, given the anonymity. Quality cocaine has a sheen to it, like the paint on a lowrider. An ex-drug dealer was interviewed and talks about how it is all about the money. There are always people who you can hire to do the drug dealer money making work, but you have to focus your time and energy on the tougher stuff. As far as I know, no one I ever bought from got arrested, or even suspended.
